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Decision Records

We use Markdown Any Decision Records (MADR) version 3.0.0.

In general projects will follow the HDI Way of Working and so decisions captured within those projects will generally cover decisions that:

  • are not already covered in the Way of Working
  • are covered in the Way of Working, but have specific implementation details which need to be captured
  • diverge from the guidance in the Way of Working

The decisions captured here represent the decisions behind the Way of Working itself.

You can read about the general approach to capturing decisions on the GDS Way page on Architecture Decisions and specifics about MADR are available at

Proposing and reviewing decisions requires an understanding of GitHub and pull requests.


Adding Markdown Any Decision Records to your project

To add the MADR v3.0.0 framework to your project, run the following at the command line:

way_of_working init decision_record

Create a new decision record

Manual approach

  1. Copy docs/decisions/ to docs/decisions/, where NNNN indicates the next number in sequence.
  2. Edit

Note you can also use other patterns for the directory format. As a consequence, some existing tooling might not be applicable.

The filenames are following the pattern, where

  • NNNN is a consecutive number and we assume that there won’t be more than 9,999 ADRs in one repository.
  • the title is stored using dashes and lowercase, because [adr-tools] also does that.
  • the suffix is .md, because it is a Markdown file.

Decisions are placed in the subfolder decisions/ to keep them close to the documentation but also separate the decisions from other documentation.

Automatic approach

To create a new decision record, run:

way_of_working new decision_record [NAME]

Where [NAME] is the title of your decision record, for example:

way_of_working new decision_record "Use Markdown Any Decision Records"

HDI Way of Working decision records

All HDI Way of Working decision records are listed below.

Table of contents