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Pull Request Template and Guidlines

A Pull Request (PR) template offers multiple benefits to a development team. It standardizes the process of contributing changes, making it easier for both the author and the reviewers to understand the context of the changes. PR templates can ensure that necessary details, such as a summary of the changes, the reason for the changes (the ‘why’), and any associated issue or ticket numbers, are consistently provided. This helps in maintaining a clean, organized, and searchable project history.

Moreover, by setting clear expectations about the information that should be included in a PR, templates can streamline the review process, reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings, and ultimately lead to higher-quality code and a more productive team.

A Pull Request doesn’t begin and end with the template, the tone of the request and any subsequent feedback is also very important. Alongside the Code of Conduct, please read GitHub’s PR communication guidlines in How to write the perfect pull request.


To add the Pull Request template to your project, use the following at the command line:

way_of_working init pr_template